What is Tātai?
“Reconnecting with Atua, reconnecting with the environment”
Tātai are codified short chants that help you to interpret what is happening around you. Tātai are chants that help you to talk to the environment. Once learnt, you then understand how to interpret weather patterns, climate and temperature changes in the environment. This is done by reading the celestial bodies, seasonal growth patterns and migratory movements of animals.
When to use Tātai?
If the context is right then use tātai whenever you think it works to use them. The tātai on here have been developed for a specific purpose.
For more information about the 5 ceremonies, use the template from the wānanga booklet.
Photo taken by Richie Mills
Tātai ki te awa
This tātai is performed at the awa to awaken and connect with its essence. It is a meaningful tātai for acknowledging wai whenever you are at the awa or a roto. You can use it to honour the wai, before fishing, or when carrying out ritenga.
Tātai mo te mouri
This tātai is performed to awaken and draw upon the mouri present in the environment. It is a powerful tātai for acknowledging universal energy and can be used at any time for most kaupapa ora.