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Puanganui o te Rangi Resources

These resources have been published in English and te reo Māori to help guide people through Te Maru o te Tau and Te Tahi o te Tau, two Puanga ritenga (ceremonies).

These resources are for anyone who is interested in Puanga and want to expand their knowledge about the various Puanga ritenga. The Māori version is targeted at intermediate and fluent speakers of te reo Māori.

Reo Māori

Rauemi Reo Māori


Pānui Whakaahua


English Resources

Physical Resources Order Form

Please use the first three letters of your name followed by your street number as your reference when transferring funds.Once we have received your order and payment the resources will be sent to you via post.

Pukapuka - Book

Kāri - Flashcards

Pānui Whakaahua - Posters

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